Edmonds Vehicular Manslaughter Attorney
Penalties for Vehicular Homicide in Edmonds, WA
Vehicular manslaughter is charged as a class A felony, and is punishable by up to life in prison and a $50,000 fine. In the event that you are released early on parole, you will additionally face a one-year driver's license revocation and substantial increases in your premiums for car insurance, as well as the fact that you may encounter significant difficulties in finding employment as a convicted felon. You may be able to prevent such a disastrous outcome if you take action now by hiring an aggressive Edmonds criminal defense attorney to defend your rights.
Vehicular homicide occurs when a car accident victim dies within three years after suffering injuries in a collision that is caused by DUI or reckless driving. When police officers arrive at the scene of a crash involving a driver who has been drinking, they will often be more inclined to assign responsibility for the accident to that driver, but it is often possible to prove the driver's innocence through careful investigation of the situation. You are legally presumed innocent until proven guilty, and cannot lawfully be convicted unless it is demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that you actually caused the accident.
Former Prosecutor Defending You on Vehicular Manslaughter Charges
With twenty-four years of experience and a background as a former prosecutor, I know how to effectively challenge the evidence in the case against you. I will conduct a thorough investigation of the situation from every angle to find the most effective criminal defense strategy for clearing your name, such as using witness testimony to demonstrate that you did not cause the accident or questioning the validity of the field sobriety tests which lead to you being considered to be under the influence of alcohol. Even if it is not possible to clear your name, I may still be able to negotiate a favorable plea bargain with the prosecutor. You have too much at stake to take any chances with this situation-let me fight to defend your future. Accused of causing a fatal DUI accident?
Contact an Edmonds vehicular manslaughter lawyer from my firm for experienced legal representation to help you avoid a conviction.

Our Client Victories
Assault Charges- Dismissed
Drug Crime - Dismissed
DUI - Dismissed
DUI - Reduced Charges
Felony Domestic Violence - Not Guilty

Our Testimonials
See What Our Clients Are Saying
He has a depth and breadth of experience few attorneys possess. Jim and his team work hard to provide top-tier quality legal services and strategies.- John D.
"I cannot thank you enough"
Jim & Shaun, I cannot thank you enough for all you did for me with my case; it meant a great deal to me.- A.B. -
Because of your hard work and expertise my daughter has been exonerated!- R.B.
You have given Jake his life back and we can't thank you enough for fighting for our son.- Michelle & Michael S.