Shoreline Criminal Defense Lawyer
Arrested for a crime in Shoreline?
If you have been charged with a crime and are serious about safeguarding your freedom, make hiring a Shoreline criminal defense attorney the first step you take following your arrest. Call or visit me at Johanson Law Group, Inc. today for a confidential consultation, to review the circumstances of your arrest and discuss possible strategies for your defense. As a former prosecutor, I have an advantage in being able to predict the tactics that will be used against you and in isolating weaknesses in the case, and with twenty-four years of experience I am ready to take on any case, no matter how challenging.
Don't wait another moment before taking action to fight the charges-fill out the free case evaluation form now to begin the process of building your defense. You may have doubts about whether it is really possible to avoid a conviction, based on the fact that there is positive evidence that you committed the crime, but there are proven criminal defense strategies for any case. Even if an acquittal or dismissal of the charges is not an option, I may still be able to negotiate with the prosecuting attorney for a favorable plea bargain.
My firm represents the rights of the accused on all types of charges, from juvenile crimes such as underage DUI and minor theft crimes, to violent crimes, probation violations and drug crimes including sales and possession. Whether you have already been arrested or are still under investigation for an internet crime, a white collar crime or even vehicular manslaughter, I encourage you to seek my help as early as possible, to maximize your chances of a favorable outcome. I can advise you of actions to take now to avoid further self-incrimination, and will stand by you throughout the process, helping you find your way out of the criminal justice system.
Shoreline Criminal Lawyer Defending Your Rights
You simply have too much at stake to afford taking any chances with the outcome of this situation. If you are convicted, you can be sent to jail or prison, fined and placed on probation, in addition to consequences such as a driver's license suspension following a DUI or sex offender registration for a sex crimes. You would additionally end up with a criminal record, which could ruin your career and make it difficult even to find housing unless you are successful in petitioning for an expungement. Don't delay any longer before working to protect your future.
Contact our firm to have a former prosecutor with over two decades of experience on your side, fighting to clear your name of the charges.
Shoreline Resources

Our Client Victories
Assault Charges- Dismissed
Drug Crime - Dismissed
DUI - Dismissed
DUI - Reduced Charges
Felony Domestic Violence - Not Guilty

Our Testimonials
See What Our Clients Are Saying
He has a depth and breadth of experience few attorneys possess. Jim and his team work hard to provide top-tier quality legal services and strategies.- John D.
"I cannot thank you enough"
Jim & Shaun, I cannot thank you enough for all you did for me with my case; it meant a great deal to me.- A.B. -
Because of your hard work and expertise my daughter has been exonerated!- R.B.
You have given Jake his life back and we can't thank you enough for fighting for our son.- Michelle & Michael S.