Snohomish County Criminal Defense Lawyer
Former Prosecutor Fighting for Your Rights
Snohomish County was originally named after the Native American tribe that lived in the area and it was created out of Island County on January 14, 1861. The meaning Snohomish is often associated with the meaning, "land of the low people." The county has a total area of 2,196 square miles, of which 107 miles is water. The highest point in the entire county is said to be Glacier Peak, which rests at 10,541 feet above sea level. Snohomish County is home to the Mount Baker National Forest, the Snoqualmie National Forest, the beautiful Cascade Mountains, Mount Pilchuck, the Three Fingers and Whitehorse Mountain.
Snohomish County boasts four major rivers including the Skykomish River, the Snohomish River, the Snoqualmie River and the Stillaguamish River, as well as numerous lakes such as Lake Cavanaugh, Lake Goodwin and Silver Lake. Today, the county is home to over 722,000 people, which is a far cry from the 111,250 residents that it had back in 1950. To the west, Snohomish County is bordered by Puget Sound, with the exception of Stanwood, and to the east it is bordered by the crest line of the North Cascades.
Criminal Defense Lawyer Serving Snohomish County
There is no doubt that facing criminal charges in Washington State is a nerve-wracking experience. No matter what types of charges you are facing, it's never a good idea to speak to law enforcement without a Snohomish County criminal defense attorney present. Regardless of your guilt or innocence, speaking for yourself can lead to a false confession, a wrongful conviction and a miscarriage of justice. My name is Jim Johanson and I am the founder of the Johanson Law Group, Inc.
As a former Pierce and King County Deputy Prosecutor and as an assistant attorney for the City of Lynnwood, I can honestly say that I have the knowledge, insight and experience you need when it comes to defending your honor, your constitutional rights and protecting your future from harsh investigators and their fellow prosecutors. I firmly believe that my clients are innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and for this reason I am your friend and your personal advocate during your darkest hour.
Criminal Defense Areas of Practice
I handle virtually all types of criminal defense matters in both the state and federal courts. If you have been arrested for DUI in Snohomish County, then you potentially face up to 12 months in jail, up to $5,000 in fines, from 90 days to one year driver's license suspension, mandatory participation in a court ordered alcohol education or treatment program and the installation of an ignition interlock device. There are several different ways to effectively challenge the validity of DUI arrests, beginning with the legality of the traffic stop, to the field sobriety tests and even to the collection of any chemical tests, and whether or not they were performed correctly.
Have you been accused of committing domestic violence against your partner, spouse, family member, or your child? Believe it or not, both domestic violence allegations and accusations of various sex crimes such as child molestation or rape are often times based entirely off of lies. These types of false accusations are common in divorce proceedings, as well as in heated child custody battles; however, a domestic violence conviction or a conviction for a sex offense can have lasting negative consequences. These consequences may include losing access to your home and/or your children, not to mention a permanent criminal record which would cause difficulty getting a job or an apartment or home for years to come.
Fighting for Justice on Your Behalf
Drug offenses involve the illegal possession, sales, distribution, cultivation, manufacture, importation or trafficking of controlled substances. Each controlled substance such as marijuana or cocaine is categorized under Schedules with Schedule I substances being the most serious due to their potential for abuse. Drug crimes can be prosecuted as misdemeanors or felonies depending upon the type of drug, the quantity and what you intended to use it for. I am extremely familiar with Washington State drug laws and will do everything I can to find out if your constitutional rights against illegal searches and seizure were violated, and I will also search for any alternatives that may reduce the consequences of a conviction.
Has your son or daughter been arrested for a juvenile crime? If so, I can't stress enough how important it is that we take action now by doing what we can to keep them out of a juvenile detention facility or out of jail where they would be exposed to hardened criminals. Often times once a kid befriends other juvenile delinquents, they have a hard time turning their life around, and this is the last thing we want to have happen to your son or daughter.
My firm also handles all types of theft crimes beginning with minor retail theft offenses to burglary, carjacking, robbery and home invasion. I also handle various white collar crimes such as fraud, forgery, check fraud, and embezzlement as well as all types of internet crimes such as child pornography, spamming or phishing. If you are facing the wrath of your probation officer due to one or a series of probation violations or if you are seeking to clear your criminal record through an expungement, I am fully prepared to assist you in both types of legal situations. I am also proud to represent clients facing allegations of serious violent crimes in Snohomish County or anywhere else in the greater "Puget Sound" area.
With over 35 years in criminal defense, I am prepared to fight for your freedom, your rights and for your family, call me today!
Snohomish County Resource Links
Criminal Defense Information Center
About Snohomish County
Map of Snohomish County

Our Client Victories
Assault Charges- Dismissed
Drug Crime - Dismissed
DUI - Dismissed
DUI - Reduced Charges
Felony Domestic Violence - Not Guilty

Our Testimonials
See What Our Clients Are Saying
He has a depth and breadth of experience few attorneys possess. Jim and his team work hard to provide top-tier quality legal services and strategies.- John D.
"I cannot thank you enough"
Jim & Shaun, I cannot thank you enough for all you did for me with my case; it meant a great deal to me.- A.B. -
Because of your hard work and expertise my daughter has been exonerated!- R.B.
You have given Jake his life back and we can't thank you enough for fighting for our son.- Michelle & Michael S.